Coronary Angioplasty

Coronary Angioplasty

Coronary angioplasty performed by Dr Manchanda helps in widening the blocked and narrowed artery. It can be done through either balloon to stretch open the artery or stent implantation.

However, balloon angioplasty is a bit older form of coronary angioplasty, the modern form of stent wire (which is also a mesh wire) helps in effective cleaning the blood vessel. During angioplasty,

  • The procedure is usually done after coronary angiography.
  • Once the angiography traces down the blockages, the doctor gives the local anaesthesia to the patient.
  • After that, the doctor performs an incision point.
  • After doing an incision point, the doctor will insert the sheath tube through the artery.
  • The doctor will also insert the catheter tube alongside. The tip of the catheter tube will contain the balloon.
  • The balloon inflates and deflates, which helps in cleaning up of artery.

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